Voice4.org Hierarchical Voice Chat
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Voice4.org MMO Games

We Believe in Team Coordination

The Only True Hierarchical Voice Chat

Register to Early-Access now !

We MMO games

By working with Gamers

We solved Voice Chat chaos !

We do more than Discord's separate rooms, or TeamSpeak's nested channels.

Speak with your




all at the same time !

hierachical voice chat : listen to superiors colleagues and subordinates, all at the same time
With Voice4.org's truly Hierarchical Voice Chat :
  • you won't have to choose in which channel you're in
  • you're in multiple levels of the hierarchy at the same time !

  • No more cacophony
  • No more room switching
  • No more information missed
  • No more complex configuration
  • No more chat chaos or difficulties
  • All is simple and intuitive

Power-up your gaming experience

Hifi Audio🎧

  • High Fidelity Audio
  • Clear Voice Algorithms
  • Voice detection


  • Keyboard
  • Joystick
  • Gamepad


  • Low CPU
  • Low Latency
  • Low Network

Play Sessions📅

  • Schedule play sessions
  • Invite members
  • Define Objectives

We solved chat chaos

  1. Easily create hierarchies of voice channels
  2. Connect to superiors, colleagues and subordinates channels at the same time
  3. Control with keybindings

10, 50 or 100 team-mates : no problem !!!

Using a hierarchy of nested channels

(inspired from the Millitary "chain-of-command" communications systems)

  • Players can :
    • Communicate with superiors
    • Speak freely within their own team
    • Communicate with subordinates
  • This without needing to :
    • Change channel or Whispering
    • Stop hearing one or the other
    • Switch from the game to an app

Players are coordinated

You gain a massive
advantage in MMO games !

It's Your Secret Weapon

Your teams, coordinated like never before !

hierachical voice chat with sub-channels and nested channels
Register to Early-Access now !